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Tooth-Colored Fillings in Owings Mills, MD

When you come to Diamond Dental of Owings Mill for your bi-annual checkup, one of the most important things our dentist, Dr. Monica Mattson, will do is carefully examine each one of your teeth for signs of decay. Sometimes, we’ll also need to take x-rays to find decay that may be hiding in between teeth. If we do find decay, then the tooth will need to be repaired with a filling.

Not long ago, the only material available for a filling was a silver mixture, or amalgam, of metals. These fillings were not only noticeable in the mouth, but for some people they caused metal sensitivity. And while there is not conclusive evidence, there is concern in some circles that amalgam fillings contain mercury.

Preserve Your Tooth and Your White Smile

Today, dentists are using tooth-colored fillings that are made of composite resin materials or dental porcelain. And while these materials are strong and durable, the most noteworthy advantage they offer patients is the fact that they will not mar your smile with dark spots the way amalgam fillings can.

From Dr. Mattson’s perspective, the composite or porcelain materials that comprise a tooth-colored filling more closely mimic your tooth’s natural composition. The outer portion of your tooth is made of enamel, a very hard substance that does not contain living tissue. Tooth-colored fillings effectively imitate the enamel part of a tooth.

The middle portion of a tooth is the dentin, which is more porous and similar to bone. Unlike enamel, dentin is a living tissue and as such is very sensitive. Your tooth’s pulp, which contains nerve tissue, transmits feeling to the dentin. Dental composite resins can mimic a tooth’s natural dentin.

Better Results with Tooth-Colored Fillings

Historically, the best a dentist could do when repairing a tooth that had been damaged by decay was to attempt to create a strong restoration using a durable and necessarily rigid material. The problem was that these rigid materials—silver amalgams—could contribute to more decay by increasing the likelihood of cracking.

Today, however, dentistry uses materials that create a restoration that more closely mimics the form and function of a natural tooth.

Whereas metallic fillings or amalgams could not bond with a tooth—they only rested on the tooth—the composite resin or dental porcelain that makes up a tooth-colored filling does bond, thereby creating an even stronger connection between tooth and filling. In addition, composite fillings are more comfortable and without metal, they do not pose a risk of metal sensitivity or mercury toxicity.

If you suspect or know that you have a tooth that needs a filling, then consider a tooth-colored filling from Diamond Dental of Owings Mills. For this or one of our other restorative services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule your appointment. We strive to provide all patients with dental care that’s comfortable, convenient, and exceptional in quality. Your smile deserves the very best!

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