Snoring/Sleep Apnea Treatment Owings Mills

Helping You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Does your partner routinely complain about your loud, chronic snoring? Although snoring may seem like a simple nuisance, it could indicate a more serious condition called sleep apnea, where breathing during sleep ceases for prolonged periods of time. Then again, your snoring could have a different cause. If you suspect that you are snoring due to sleep apnea, you should get evaluated in a sleep study. The good news is that if you call our team at Diamond Dental of Owings Mills for snoring/sleep apnea treatment, they can help you finally get a good night’s rest every night. Taking the time to be evaluated and treated for sleep apnea in Owings Mills can help you and your partner have a higher quality of life.

Why Choose Diamond Dental of Owings Mills for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

  • Comfortable, Personalized Oral Appliances
  • Dentist with Decades of Experience
  • Office with Convenient Hours

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring man in bed in need of sleep apnea treatment in Owings Mills

If you snore, it doesn’t automatically mean that you have sleep apnea. You can snore from nasal congestion, weight, alcohol or tobacco use, or enlarged tonsils. The tissues in your mouth and throat may relax while you sleep and interfere with your ability to breathe smoothly – hence, the rough sound of snoring. With sleep apnea, these tissues can completely obstruct the airway, at minimum creating lapses in breathing and potentially causing you to wake up gasping for air.

Does My Snoring Point to Sleep Apnea?

Man and woman in bed with man snoring

Because you’re asleep when you snore, it can be very difficult to self-diagnose sleep apnea. That’s why it’s important to be evaluated in a sleep study. The results can tell you whether your snoring stems from a milder condition or something more serious. If sleep apnea turns out to be the cause, then you can seek professional help from your dentist in Owings Mills.

Dr. Mattson can provide a custom oral appliance that keeps your facial tissues in a more forward position for easy, consistent breathing throughout the night. Compared to a CPAP machine, oral appliances are far less invasive and more comfortable to wear during sleep, alleviating sleep apnea symptoms.

Why Is Treating Sleep Apnea Important?

Tired man working on laptop

At first glance, sleep apnea may not appear dangerous, but it can have a huge impact on your health. Studies have shown that untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of heart disease, depression, and experiencing a cardiovascular event such as a stroke. Plus, without sufficient quality sleep, your judgment and reaction time can be impaired, potentially leading to unnecessary accidents.

Are you ready to feel well-rested when you wake up in the morning? Contact our team at Diamond Dental of Owings Mills to learn more about sleep apnea treatment with Dr. Mattson.

Sleep Apnea FAQs

Who is Most at Risk for Sleep Apnea?

Men are two to three times more likely to develop sleep apnea compared to women. That being said, the disorder also has an increased chance of affecting women who are pregnant or post-menopausal.

Generally speaking, weight is one of the biggest risk factors for sleep apnea. It’s estimated that over half of all people who have obstructive sleep apnea (the most common form of sleep apnea) qualify as overweight or obese. Other risk factors include age, naturally narrowed airways, high blood pressure, and chronic nasal congestion.

What Does Sleep Apnea Look Like for Women?

Many people don’t realize that women often experience different sleep apnea symptoms compared to men. Said symptoms tend to be on the more subtle side, which could be a reason why sleep apnea tends to be underdiagnosed in women. Potential warning signs that women need to keep an eye out for include:

  • Repeatedly waking up throughout the night.
  • Suffering from insomnia.
  • Often waking up with a headache.
  • Experiencing feelings of anxiety or depression.
  • Feeling sleepy during the day.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms, you should have a sleep study performed to see whether sleep apnea is to blame. Having the problem properly diagnosed is the first step to having it treated.

Will Oral Appliance Therapy Make CPAP Therapy Unnecessary?

You may require a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea if your symptoms are particularly severe. But if you only have a mild to moderate sleep disorder, you may be able to replace your CPAP machine with a customized oral appliance. Many patients prefer oral appliances since they make no noise, are typically more comfortable, and are easier to travel with.

Of course, every patient has their own unique situation to consider. Once you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you can talk to our team to find out whether oral appliance therapy is a good choice for you.

Can I Have Oral Appliance Therapy If I Grind My Teeth?

Many people with sleep apnea also have bruxism, which refers to unconscious grinding and clenching of the teeth. Bruxism is known to wear down tooth enamel, and it can ultimately lead to the teeth becoming cracked or fractured. 

Fortunately, an oral appliance can actually be used to address both problems. The appliance will be durable enough to withstand repeated clenching and grinding; at the same time, it will act as a barrier between the upper and lower rows of teeth, which will help keep them safe from the worst of bruxism. In short, oral appliance therapy can be a great option for patients who are simultaneously suffering from sleep apnea and bruxism.

How Soon After Starting Sleep Apnea Treatment Will I Notice Improvement?

It may take you a night or two to get accustomed to sleeping with an oral appliance, but otherwise, the quality of your sleep should improve almost right away. While the only way to know for sure if sleep apnea is still present is to undergo another sleep study, there’s a good chance that you’ll notice the lessening of your symptoms.

What Our Patients Are Saying

With our team, you never have to second-guess our motives. Your health and well-being are at the heart of all we do. Just as we helped David, see his review below, we know we can help you!

smiling man

“Dr. Mattson is an exceptional dentist, kind and compassionate. She takes the time to listen to my concerns, then explains the medical benefits and risks so I can make informed decisions. I love her office. David Mahood, Esq.”

–David Mahood