Tooth Extractions Owings Mills
Removing Teeth That Are Beyond Salvaging
While Dr. Mattson does her best to save teeth, in some cases, restorative dentistry in Owings Mills requires tooth extractions. If a tooth is so badly decayed or damaged that it must be removed, the area will be numbed before Dr. Mattson gently extracts the tooth. Nitrous Oxide is also available to help you be as comfortable as possible. Following a tooth extraction, you may later be able to get the tooth replaced with a bridge or dental implant.
Why Choose Diamond Dental of Owings Mills for Tooth Extractions?
- Same-Day Emergency Appointments
- In-Office Dental Implant Placement for Replacing Teeth
- Sedation Options for Nervous Patients
When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

We want our patients to be able to keep all of their natural teeth, so a tooth extraction will only be suggested if other treatment options have been ruled out. You may need an extraction if:
- Your tooth has been badly fractured and can’t be repaired.
- Your tooth is heavily decayed.
- Space needs to be created for orthodontic treatment.
- You are getting a denture.
- You have experienced severe bone disease.
Rest assured that if a tooth does need to be removed, the procedure will be performed with your comfort in mind.
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